3 "Conversations" that tell the story of health and aging in rural South Africa

February 23, 2024
The Conversation website logo and three headlines

Physicians, professors and research scientists affiliated with Health and Aging in Africa: Longitudinal Studies in South Africa (HAALSA)—the ten-year (and counting) project that has been following a cohort that started as 5,000 men and women aged 40 and over—have penned three pieces in The Conversation that delve into unique aspects of this burgeoning population:

  • Pioneering researchers Stephen Tollman and Kathleen Kahn from the University of the Witwatersrand reflect back on over 30 years of rural health research in this piece.
  • Two of our former postdoctoral fellows—Molly Rosenberg and Lyndsay Kobayashicollaborated with other HAALSA scientists to share some hopeful findings about the link between social grants and cognitive health/function, and, for some groups, reduced risk of mortality.
  • HAALSA researchers spotlight a critical issue for the aging South African population—HIV prevention and treatment programs, which are currently focused on a younger demographic.